First thing you notice here is there are no reservations accepted. You have to go for it and hope there is an open spot when you get here. Smart Escapees call before they head out to see if they have any chance at all of getting in as they are always pretty close to capacity. If they don’t have an opening, not to worry as they do have very cheap overnight dry-camping available and there are bunches of campgrounds in the area including one just down the road.
After signing in, you don’t pay up front like other parks. You pay when you leave or the end of the month, whichever comes first. There is an extra charge for electricity which keeps everyone conservation conscious. Before you leave the office, they may offer a hug. Hugging is an old tradition among Escapees.
All sites are full hookup and a few sites are actually leased yearly so they may appear open when they are not if the lessees are traveling.
The park is covered with oak trees and grass. Squirrels, owls, woodpeckers, etc. share the park with you. There is an indoor pool and a clubhouse with lots of planned activities, dinners, and outings. They have regular water aerobics, bingo, movie night, Friday night jam session with a great band and dancing, and Sunday night ice-cream socials. I enjoy working the jigsaw puzzles in the clubhouse with others. The pool table looks awfully inviting too. There is also a table of items people are getting rid of which you can take and either leave a donation of your choice or trade another item for. I left out my 2006 TrailerLife book and software on the table. They vanished quickly. I noticed my spare small heater was gone from the table today.
The park does not have wireless internet but they do have a hookup to get email. I had to run out and finally get a Sprint EVDO aircard in order to work online here. The reception and speed are great here at true broadband speed. My satellite TV is also working great here.
The other campers have been very friendly and helpful here. One of them let me see how his aircard was working before I bought one and gave me a lot of good info. Everyone trades tips on the local tourist sites. Look around any morning or evening and you will see lots of campers out walking for their health which leads to lots of hellos and chatting.
I managed to go snag 6 geocaches while here. It really is nice when there are a bunch of them very close to each other. Geocaching is alive and doing very well in Florida. I dropped off two travel bugs in a nearby cache after taking them to Disneyworld for pictures and picked up a new one to take down to the Everglades soon. 😉
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