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DangRV Travels to Pinterest!

For those of you who are visually challenged or just love Pinterest’s visual style and pinning, DangRV is now on Pinterest for your viewing pleasure. Come get to know us better and share your RV life with us. We are always on the lookout for new RV ideas, travel places, tasty recipes, . . . → Read More: DangRV Travels to Pinterest!

New Rigs, New Life

One of the reasons I live in an RV full-time is because I truly hate moving my stuff every time I move and I have moved a lot in my life. I never counted on moving between RVs. May I say, "YUCK!". It is just as big a pain in the . . . → Read More: New Rigs, New Life

Reno and Virginia City, NV

Despite the accident that brought me to Reno and being a true wanderer who had never been to Reno before, I chose to make lemonade out of the situation rather than sit in my motel room crying about something I could not change. I did a little exploring in Reno though I don’t . . . → Read More: Reno and Virginia City, NV

RV Disaster and Redemption

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I had good reason. With winter giving me a sneak peak by dropping the temperatures down at night and freezing the water lines, it was time to leave Oregon and head south to winter quarters. I hitched up and drove the trailer on down to Stateline . . . → Read More: RV Disaster and Redemption