Dinner Any Time


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Elkhart, IN

Not a lot of fun here this week. I traveled more of America’s crumbling infrastructure (I80) across Illinois to Elkhart, IN. The toll road cost me $8.70 and was as bumpity bumpy as the other roads.

I stayed at the Elkhart Camprgound this week. Tad more expensive than what I am used to . . . → Read More: Elkhart, IN

More tips for the RVer

Time for a station break to report more of what I have learned as a full-time RVer.

First, the dang cat is upset about being ignored and upstaged by George so here she is in all her glory again.

Cat mollified.

More of what I have learned: 1. Just because a campground . . . → Read More: More tips for the RVer

Field of Dreams – Heaven (aka Dyersville, Iowa)

Next stop, Kieler Wisconsin. Why you might ask? Because it is right next to the Iowa state line and as close to Dyersville as I could get to go to the Field of Dreams and still have wifi for my work. In Kieler, I am staying at the Rustic Barn Campground. No sewer . . . → Read More: Field of Dreams – Heaven (aka Dyersville, Iowa)

Wisconsin Dells, WI

Headed on over to Wisconsin to what I can only describe as one heck of a party town, Wisconsin Dells. It is home to numerous amusement and water parks all within a mile of each other as well as lots of quirky places to tour, other fine attractions, an active downtown even at . . . → Read More: Wisconsin Dells, WI