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Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Another story came out recently of multiple deaths in an RV from carbon monoxide poisoning. Every year we hear of another such tragic and easily preventable event. I hadn’t put much concern into it previously because I don’t have a generator mounted in my rig, the cause of many of . . . → Read More: Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Online Shopping

The most wonderful thing about RVing is being able to go nearly anywhere in comfort. Big towns, small towns. Mountains, seashore, lakes, desert. There is so much out there to see and experience beyond what you see in a “normal” life in a sticks and bricks home. One of the bad things, sometimes, . . . → Read More: Online Shopping

RVQuartzsite Business Directory Now Open

Our sister site, rvquartzsite.com, now has a full business directory listing just about anything you might want to find in or around Quartzsite before or after you get there. Whether you are looking for RV parks, parts, grocery stores, dining, veterinarians, hospitals, water, sewer pump outs, mail, etc. it has it. Know before . . . → Read More: RVQuartzsite Business Directory Now Open

Kindle Matchbook

For those of you who have discovered the wonderful world of eBooks along with both the weight and space savings in your RV of keeping your entire library on a Kindle or tablet running Kindle software, Amazon now has a program to buy very cheap Kindle versions of paperback or hardback books you . . . → Read More: Kindle Matchbook