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RV Park Rules

A big problem for RV parks is setting rules. Tenants without rules quickly get out of hand but too many rules make park living miserable for everyone. Rules must be enforced and enforced evenly for the most part or there is no point to them and an RV park can quickly find themselves . . . → Read More: RV Park Rules

Content Thief

It has finally happened. I knew it would sooner or later. Someone running another site has stolen a post from my site and posted it as theirs. It looks like he may have used an automated scraper. Why should I care and shouldn’t I be flattered? No, it is not flattering to be . . . → Read More: Content Thief

Snowbird Season and Quartzsite Gearing Up

The other snowbirds have arrived at Mayflower County Park and other RV parks in the California/Arizona border areas. Sites are still available but the games and social functions have already begun. We had our first ice cream social and it was most excellent! We had our choice of 3 flavors of ice cream . . . → Read More: Snowbird Season and Quartzsite Gearing Up