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Katrina Gets a Scooter!

Sounds like a great movie doesn’t it? OK OK. I have been riding my brother’s Ezip 1000 scooter a lot recently and like everyone else who sees it, have been drooling all over it. Now 1 scooter divided by 2 people and 8-10 hrs. to charge just doesn’t work. Aside from the . . . → Read More: Katrina Gets a Scooter!

Dealing With Electric Failure

Alas, the RV life is not all fun and games and sometimes it rains. There we were cooking dinner and watching TV while getting ready to start working in our air-conditioned box on wheels when suddenly all the power went out. At first, it seemed like it might be out in the . . . → Read More: Dealing With Electric Failure

Kayaking in Provo, UT

Forgot to mention in my last post that we moved on up to Provo, UT. Found a reasonably priced (not cheap) park named Lakeside RV Park down near the lake and state park. Their small pool seems to be their biggest draw and of course being near the lake and river. The . . . → Read More: Kayaking in Provo, UT

Another Day in RV Land

Went for a 2 hour ride on brother’s new (used) eZip scooter. Finally got to see several miles of the trail behind us and then rode the trail between the lake and the airport. Beautiful ride and made it all the way to the control tower. Dang scooter can go 15-20 miles . . . → Read More: Another Day in RV Land