The park in Blythe was getting pretty deserted as the temperature began to creep up and winter was coming to a close. Time for me to leave too rather than be the last one out and have to turn the lights out. A brief stop along the way for a little sightseeing was . . . → Read More: Palm Springs, CA and the Salton Sea
If you need a little history or the shopping of a big city after spending time in the Arizona-California southern desert, Yuma is a great place to go. It has all the big stores including Wal-Mart and Costco, all the fast food joints you could want, and the old Yuma Territorial Prison museum. . . . → Read More: Yuma Proving Grounds, AZ
For as long as I have full-timed, I have heard from others how a trip across the border even for a day is a must. It seems day trips to Mexico are a frequent occurrence with full-time RVers and the topic of much talk between them as those who can’t work it into . . . → Read More: RVers Down Mexico Way
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