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Geocaching and Human Geocache Travel Bug

If you love geocaching or are interested in learning about it, see my new site RVGeocacher . Today I posted my experience at the Quartzsite, AZ RV Show and Swap Meet as a human geocache travel bug at http://rvgeocacher.com/human-geocache-travel-bug .

This Week In Quartzsite

We went to the opening day of the Big Tent on Saturday despite many admonishments from friends and horror stories about the traffic being so bad that we would not even be able to get off the freeway. Traffic on the freeway was not bad at all at 9am in the morning and . . . → Read More: This Week In Quartzsite

Fire in Blythe Fairgrounds

Saturday as we left our RV park in Blythe, CA we spotted a fire at the Blythe fairgrounds where the annual Bluegrass Festival was going on. An RV in the far corner was fully engulfed and burned down to frame very quickly. The owners were not home at the time but one of . . . → Read More: Fire in Blythe Fairgrounds

Yuma Territorial Prison

Overlooking the city of Yuma, AZ up on Prison Hill is the first territorial prison for Arizona. It was built in 1875, received it’s first inmates in July of 1876, and operated as a prison until forced to close due to overcrowding in September, 1909. From 1910-1914 it was the home of Yuma . . . → Read More: Yuma Territorial Prison