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National Park Week 2016

Just passing this along. Best time to visit national parks is when they are free!


“Each spring, the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation invite everyone to celebrate National Park Week. From April 16 – 24, you are invited to celebrate all that America’s more than 400 national parks have . . . → Read More: National Park Week 2016

Quartzsite RV Show Opening

It’s that time of year again! The RV Show and the Big Tent open tomorrow until January 24th. If you aren’t there yet, why not?! The crowds are thinner this year so this may be the the best time to go if you have never been to this RVers’ mecca in the Arizona . . . → Read More: Quartzsite RV Show Opening

RVQuartzsite Business Directory Now Open

Our sister site, rvquartzsite.com, now has a full business directory listing just about anything you might want to find in or around Quartzsite before or after you get there. Whether you are looking for RV parks, parts, grocery stores, dining, veterinarians, hospitals, water, sewer pump outs, mail, etc. it has it. Know before . . . → Read More: RVQuartzsite Business Directory Now Open

NFS Ticketing Full-Time RVers and Van Dwellers

According to CheapRVLivingBlog.com, the National Forest Service is hassling and ticketing full-time RVers and van dwellers due to a law prohibiting residing in national forests. The law was created to keep the homeless from camping perpetually in our forests or even for 1 night but as usual has unintended consequences. Since those of . . . → Read More: NFS Ticketing Full-Time RVers and Van Dwellers