Dinner Any Time


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Back In The Game!

For the past year, I have been off the road and settled in to semi-retirement on my own lot in an Escapees park. Age has caught up to both my trailer and myself. The days of traveling 400 miles once a week are long over and gate guarding has changed considerably, especially for . . . → Read More: Back In The Game!

Eureka! I Found It!

New lesson learned this week is always search every cranny after buying a used rig. I bought my new 5th wheel used and have had it for almost 3 months now. I knew when I bought it that the shower curtain and rings were missing and the windows seemed to be missing something . . . → Read More: Eureka! I Found It!

Winter Wanderings

Went to the Jordan Circus with my brother. Just a little one and a bit on the expensive side but something different to do on a winter’s day and enjoyable.

Went to Surf ‘n Swim at the Layton City Pool. They have a wave pool! It has a beach in a . . . → Read More: Winter Wanderings

Zephyrhills, FL

I got to stay quite awhile at the SKP park in Wauchula, FL but the time came when they suddenly started to fill up for their January Capers and I got pushed out of my spot and into the overnight area. First in, first out is the rule which is fair. I couldn’t . . . → Read More: Zephyrhills, FL