Having lived at sea level most of my life, I am very familiar with high altitude sickness. For awhile, I had an issue living at just 3000 feet up but that passed after some time and a short break/trip back to sea level. Now I’m good to around 7500 feet. No, I won’t . . . → Read More: High Altitude Sickness and RVers
I noticed when I disconnected from the electric at Triple R to move to the gate that my TV turned off. Since it is rigged to run off batteries when not connected, that should not have happened. No time to fix it then so off to my new gate I went. I was . . . → Read More: Lost Power!
A couple of gates finally opened. One was the same one I had been kicked off of twice which I told them not to send me to again. That actually worked out well because they were able to get a guard who had done that gate before, was very familiar with it, and . . . → Read More: Got A Gate!
Since I usually have to go 35+ miles to get groceries, getting ice cream home in a solid state on a 100 degree day is very difficult. Recently, I discovered how to easily make my own at home. Did you know you don’t need an ice cream maker or rock salt to make . . . → Read More: Homemade Ice Cream
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