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Got A Gate!

A couple of gates finally opened. One was the same one I had been kicked off of twice which I told them not to send me to again. That actually worked out well because they were able to get a guard who had done that gate before, was very familiar with it, and . . . → Read More: Got A Gate!

Triple R RV Park

After the sudden release from the gate in Valley Wells after such a short time, I had to find a campground to go to fast. I didn’t know any in the area. I decided to go back to the Escapees park in Hondo, TX and headed out. Then, as I reached the I35 . . . → Read More: Triple R RV Park

Short Time Gate

It rained that night in Hondo, TX. I watched my ceiling and cabinets for leaks and prayed with fingers and toes crossed. Having been through several RV techs, I haven’t had the best of luck with them. The RV stayed dry. Finally! I have indeed found a good RV tech in Texas Country . . . → Read More: Short Time Gate

Released… Almost

The call every gate guard fears came. My gate was to be closed and I was being released. Time to pack up and hitch up. This has been one of my longest gates. I have been here since last October and truly enjoyed this one. I had hoped to be here all through . . . → Read More: Released… Almost