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Hilo, HI

As our ship sailed on to Hilo, the captain decided he had time to take the longer route which would take us past an active volcano. Around midnight, many of us awoke and went up on deck to see the volcano as we sailed by it. It was far away and all we . . . → Read More: Hilo, HI

Maui, HI

We arrived in Maui and the weather was perfect. It was sunny and warm, unlike our homes back on the mainland. December is a great time to cruise! We hung out in the theater until our tour was called then everyone lined up to head down the stairs. This is when it really . . . → Read More: Maui, HI

Salt Lake City, UT II

Back to Salt Lake city, UT to help my brother for awhile. Staying for the winter. Certainly won’t be the same as winter in Florida which I will dearly miss. Spent a night outside Boise, ID on the way. My brother was happy to see me again. Staying at CircleL Mobile Home Park . . . → Read More: Salt Lake City, UT II