We went out to Bridal Veil Falls. Seems to be one named that everywhere. Nice park around it and the paved path was very nice. We enjoyed the fall leaves very much with red and gold everywhere. This seems to be a popular spot for all ages. I like the way the falls splash down into an upper pond and then down into a very shallow one that comes right up to the edge of the path almost flowing over it and it drains down a stream along the path.
Another day, we went to see the Bonneville Salt Flats near the Nevada border. They are awesome! I swear it looks like ice for miles and miles but I can definitely state unequivocally they are salt. Don’t ask how I proved it to myself. LOL Ptooey! There is a very nice roadside turnout next to them with restrooms and picnic shelters. We walked out quite a ways on them for fun to get the feel of it. Ignore your eyes and brain as there is nothing slippery about it. Salt has good solid traction which is a good thing to have when trying to set a world land speed record here. The records are actually challenged about 3 miles out into this salt wilderness. Before heading back out in your vehicle, it is highly recommended that you clean off your shoes at the shoe wash they provide and you cannot use their restrooms without doing so.
Since we were soooo close to Nevada, had lots of daylight left, and I needed to catch Nevada for my states visited map, we decided to drive on to Wendover, NV, another lovely spot in the road in the middle of nowhere. It is easy to see why the military liked this place. It is a great place to be when you don’t want a lot of people seeing what you are doing. Wendover these days is home to fancy casinos and entertainment just across the state line. But back in the 40’s, it was home to the Enola Gay while her crew trained to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. The base is now abandoned with desert sage reclaiming what remains. You can see where numerous barracks stood and the hangars still stand though rusty and empty.
Took some time for a little geocaching around Layton Park. Lots of caches in the area and the park is lovely with ponds full of ducks and geese, a museum, playground, ballpark, amphitheatre for those musical summer nights, and an indoor/outdoor wave pool. Nearby is a paved bike trail with several geocaches along it. Scored pretty well and enjoyed the sunshine. I called my friend in Idaho and found she was out geocaching at the same time. LOL
I put out my new solar tiki torches and other trailer decorations as well as my BBQ. Torches are working very well and really help set the mood not to mention helping me find my site.
Been getting my jollies riding the Frontrunner commuter train into Salt Lake City. At only $3 each way, it is cheaper than gas and drops me off right next to the Trax train station (local train around the city) and where my brother usually parks his car down there. There is also the bus station there and Amtrak. And of course, there is a geocache hidden there. 😉 The Frontrunner is only about 1/2 mile from the RV park and is a very smooth, fast ride. I like to kick back with my MP3 player and relax on the way down. I have learned that Saturday or game nights it is very full but other times are great. The lower deck tends to be noisier mechanically. The upper deck has great views of the mountains but gets very noisy when the kids are out of school.
Halloween time came and we decided to forgo the usual haunted houses for a pumpkin patch and corn maze since neither of us have ever been to either. We went looking for a sincere looking pumpkin patch in hopes of meeting The Great Pumpkin but alas it was not to be, though the pumpkins did look very sincere. Ah well. Maybe next time.
The corn maze was fun. We did it once in evening light and again in the dark. Woooooo. Boo! We didn’t play their game of finding all the posts and clues but had fun just playing in the stalks. We found a V intersection which was good for playing scarecrow like in the Wizard of Oz.
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