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PVC Laundry Ladder Racks

One thing RVers miss from home is a laundry line. Even if you don’t have a washer/dryer in your rig, occasionally you may need to wash out something in the sink, dry pool towels, etc. It’s nice to have a laundry line then but most campgrounds prohibit stringing one between trees. A few very snooty campgrounds forbid ALL outside laundry so be sure to check the rules. What to do then for the many campgrounds that allow racks? Camping World sells one that folds in and out and mounts on the RV or RV ladder. They also sell a bumper mount one and one that free stands outside or in the shower. Those are all good options.

Camping World Folding Laundry RackCamping World Bumper Laundry RackCamping World Standing Laundry Rack

For those of us that like to make our own,  PVC pipes and fittings make building a laundry rack very easy. You can glue it all together permanently or glue only where absolutely necessary and leave the rest loose to break it down and store it. You can make it any size you like. In my travels, I have seen many different designs and studied them. Here are a few I saw:

Ladder PVC Laundry RackHanging PVC Laundry RackLadder PVC Laundry Rack 2

If you have a hankering to make one for yourself, here are some specific plans I found on how to make a PVC ladder rack. Click here.

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