I love meeting fellow RVers in my travels and whenever I find someone in particular I would like to meet again, I give them my card and get their card. You do have a card don’t you? Not just for business anymore, business cards with names and contact info are often exchanged among RVers. They usually contain their name, phone number, email address, and website if they have one. Sometimes they also contain mailing address info. A few I have gotten even come with their picture so they can be sure they are remembered. 😀 Occasionally, I leave a different card in a geocache which is more geared to my geocaching persona. Cards are handy and beat the heck out of bunches of scraps of paper everywhere that I might be able to find. I’m also not real crazy about writing out my info myself all the time. Handing over a card is so much easier. Not only are they great for keeping in touch with new friends, but of course they can also advertise your travel blog or business too. They aren’t expensive at all and finding a good introductory deal is easy. I see great deals for business cards from Vistaprint all the time and their regular prices are pretty good too. The folks at Vistaprint asked me to tell you all about a current deal for free cards AND a free stamp! Very nice.
There’s more. They now have customizable Christmas cards 50% off on their site at the time of this writing! I do a lot of traveling and don’t get to see my family back home that much so I love it when they send me a family photo every Christmas in or on a Christmas card. I like to send them Christmas cards with a photo of either my RV on it or a really cool place I have been this past year or something goofy I have seen like the world’s largest frying pan or a giant Paul Bunyan statue. Vistaprint let’s you create a card from lots of different styles with your digital photo on it. Since I have a new RV this year that many have not seen, I think I’ll be putting that on my card this year.
While you are on their site, take a look at T-shirts too. I have always wanted a special RV t-shirt with the name of my blog on it and another geocaching themed shirt with my geocaching name on it. They make it really easy to create one (or more) and the price is great too. I’ve been playing with that on their website and think I have a pretty cool design worked out for the blog shirt. You could make one for your blog or business too. Maybe you just want to let people know you full-time RV, snowbird, geocache, love your dog (with picture), are Quartzsite trailer trash, or whatever else you care to announce to the world. Have some fun!
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