The most popular man toy this year was an RC helicopter. Men everywhere were walking around with large boxes in hand with helicopters in them. Boys gotta have their toys.
Met an Escapee in the Big Tent who hooked me up with the Escapees Geocaching BOF (Birds Of a Feather). I couldn’t attend their event during the week due to work but will get to know them online and meet them for play another time.
We sold my red scooter at one of the consignment stores. Hopefully it found a good home. My baby my baby! Will have to be content with my blue one now.
Took some time to go by Celia’s Garden again in Quartzsite and show it to my brother. I love the memorials and landscaping there. Very glad to see the memorial to RVing women. Enjoyed finding a geocache again that I had found last year there.
We met my sister, her husband, and some friends at Sizzlers for dinner one night. This may become an annual thing along with Quartzsite and is the best reason to stay over in Blythe, CA. As usual, it was pretty busy for dinner. Lots of great food and service there for a reasonable price.
Everyone in camp has started talking about heading out or home. Our friends will be leaving next week so we are hosting a BBQ for them tomorrow night. We’ll be here 1 more month then off to wherever the wind blows us.
Till the next Quartzsite season…
For more pics click here.
The big Quartzsite event is a two-edged sword. Fun to attend, but glad when it’s over and don’t spend so much money there. Enjoy the quiet of the desert.
Indeed. We have a month of downtime now that I am going to enjoy before moving on.