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Winter RV Heating With Sunpentown

Any RVer can tell you how expensive it is to run the built in propane furnace full time during the winter months. You can easily go through one 30 lb. bottle in 2-3 days depending on the temperature you set the thermostat at. Getting propane delivered is not always possible and getting into town every few days Is not necessarily convenient. If you work 24/7 as I do as a gate guard, getting into town often or getting propane delivered is just not possible. Many RVers augment the furnace with electric heaters to save on propane. Some campgrounds, especially those who cover your electricity cost, have banned electric heaters. Others bill you for the electricity you use when staying weekly or monthly so they can allow electric heaters. Be sure to check the cost per kilowatt they charge before renting a space so you don’t get a nasty surprise from a campground overcharging for the cost and be sure to read the meter when you arrive and again when you leave. Keep in mind also that furnaces are ducted and routed so as to keep enclosed areas and tanks warm as well to avoid freezing pipes. On nights where temps dip below freezing, you may need to run the furnace at least some amount or open the doors to cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom to allow heat to get in them.

One of the big advantages of working as a gate guard during the winter is getting unlimited free electricity (not to mention the free site!). With propane so difficult to get, most gate guards heat almost entirely with one or two electric heaters. I have one very small Big Heat electric heater which does a great job (even after 15 years of use!) though the fan is a bit loud and it uses an analog thermostat. Before winter hit, I decided I should have a second heater to be sure I stay warm. After researching several types, I bought a Sunpentown Ceramic Heater from Wal-Mart. It stands about 2.5 feet tall but is very narrow so it doesn’t take up much space and it is cool to the touch which are both important when using it with the slideout in. It is very quiet. It includes a washable filter which is nice to have on a dusty Texas ranch. The thermostat and readout are digital and more precise. It can oscillate to spread the heat around if needed. It runs on Low, High, and Automatic. Unlike the very similar Lasko model, you can also run just the fan with no heat. My favorite feature, though, is the remote control. It sure puts out the heat too. With the exception of only one night, I have been able to heat my 5th wheel entirely with just the Sunpentown Ceramic Heater. The bedroom tends to stay warmer than the living room so I keep it down in the living room toward the back and pointed toward the bedroom. I have to remember to turn it lower at night or it will burn me out of the bedroom with its efficient ceramic heat. During the summer, it easily fits in a closet. I am very happy with my new heater. It wasn’t available in the store so I had to order it online from Wal-Mart but it was worth the short wait and they delivered it right to my gate for free. That’s what I call service! I would definitely buy it again if I needed to and I give it 5 stars.


Sunpentown ceramic heaterSunpentown heater remote

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