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Wind and Tents

Wind and tents, great entertainment for RVers! We have been getting a lot of wind here this winter but nothing like what hit last night. All day the clouds mocked us overhead and threatened us like school yard bullies, all talk no action. We waited and watched till finally getting tired of the game, we ignored them and turned our backs. True to their bully form, that is when they hit with full fury. The dirt across the river and out in the fields began to swirl. Trees swayed and leaves began to start a noisy rustling chorus. A wet drop hit my neck. Others might run for shelter but I missed school the day they taught us to get in out of the rain. I did go cover up our scooters and check the area for loose articles and hatches un-battened.

Soon, the dirt swirls had dissipated into the air so that all the air was now filled with it along with my hair, ears, and teeth. Crunch. Tree limbs began to break off and fall to the ground with loud cracks and thuds. Again, others might run for cover but not us. Instead, we pulled up our chairs on the patio, sheltered from the worst by our large trailer, and watched as a large group of tenters scrambled to keep their lodges from flying off to OZ. Down went the blue tent while the green one thought to follow its lead. The avocado tent kept lifting its leg like a dog that seriously needed to go. The orange tent stood solid with no fear against the marauder. People hollered for each other’s help to secure the tents while leaning into the wind. Quickly the decision was made to circle the wagons, a tactic that still works today. Several leapt into their cars and positioned them around the tent line to block the bully’s blows.  The blue and green tents were revived. The avocado tent’s leg was tied down tight. Just as the rain hit, the tenters scurried inside. We checked on our other neighbors and helped to secure their loose items that were blowing all about before we too retired to our abode.

Now some of you might wonder why we would sit there watching. Before you think us callus, let me explain. First, this was a large group of tenters who needed no help from us. Second, in storms there is powerful energy to awaken your life force (provided you don’t push it too far). Lastly, most RVers started out in tents and remember those days well. We all remember setting up tents in the dark, wind, rain, or heat. While the memories of those wonderful trips are still quite fond, most of us are glad to not be sleeping on the cold hard ground anymore or have to deal as much with weather. Memories are good but sometimes they should be tempered with a bit of reality.

Mayflower Park StormTenters caught in storm

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