Dinner Any Time


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On to North Carolina

It was a lovely week in Ohio but that was only a pitstop. Back on the road again, I headed out through West Virginia. Lots of trees and mountains but not much else.

I hit a toll road unexpectedly and of course my purse was forgotten and still inside the trailer. Lucky for . . . → Read More: On to North Carolina

Field of Dreams – Heaven (aka Dyersville, Iowa)

Next stop, Kieler Wisconsin. Why you might ask? Because it is right next to the Iowa state line and as close to Dyersville as I could get to go to the Field of Dreams and still have wifi for my work. In Kieler, I am staying at the Rustic Barn Campground. No sewer . . . → Read More: Field of Dreams – Heaven (aka Dyersville, Iowa)

South Dakota or Bust

After a month in Osburn, Idaho, it was time to hit the road again. Pulled out Saturday, June 9th.

New backup camera worked very very well to hitch up. Definitely would be easier if the front of the trailer hitch wasn’t black so I will be painting or taping it yellow. Lining up . . . → Read More: South Dakota or Bust

Breakdowns and Breakdowns

What a week in my RV life! Both equipment and personal breakdowns.

It started with my refrigerator dying. Darn thing would not stay on and when it was, it was not that cold. Lost a little food but not much. That necessitated putting my entire home in the RV repair place which is . . . → Read More: Breakdowns and Breakdowns