Even the little things can make life more enjoyable. One such thing is a toaster. When I started eating less bread (carbs), I found my large toaster was just a waste of space on my counter so I gave it away. However, once in a while it would be nice to have a . . . → Read More: Camping Toaster Review
As the world struggles with Covid-19, many people who had never considered RVing before are running out and buying RVs for safer travel and social distancing. These new campers are stretching the limits of available camping spaces and driving up campground maintenance costs as well as prices thus causing me to consider doing . . . → Read More: CanCooker Review
We originally intended to stay in Quartzsite, AZ for the winter but found it very noisy with I10 running smack through town and very dusty with no grass about. We tried a night at 88 Palms RV Park but neither of us got any sleep due to the noise. I was also not . . . → Read More: Blythe, CA
I have been getting a lot of questions recently about discount camping and clubs, particularly for full-timers. Now that I have a few years on the road as a full-timer under my belt , perhaps it is time to go over my experiences with them. If one is going to be a full-time . . . → Read More: Discount RV Camping
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