Quartzsite 2011-2012 UpdateMany vendors and snowbirds have arrived in the area but numbers are way down. You can definitely see the effects of the lousy economy here. There are not as many rigs out on the BLM land as last year and vendors are reporting early sales are way down. Several folks we know have opted to stay at cheaper parks farther north in Arizona. It’s not shaping up to be a great season for campgrounds and vendors in and near Quartzsite. Hopefully, the big show in January will still bring in the crowd. It always has. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend this year, it is still a great place to come browse for ideas and spend time with family and friends. There are lots of activities planned in Quartzsite, the Blues Festival over in Blythe, hot air balloons and fireworks up in Lake Havasu, historical areas around Yuma, Mexico nearby, and plenty more to enjoy and lift the spirits.
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