I looked all around for Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin at No Name City but couldn’t find them. (Paint Your Wagons movie). 😉 Nice park with wireless internet powered by a T1 line. It has a pool and both outdoor and indoor hot tubs. Level sites with all the amenities and great private bathrooms and showers. Cabins are available to rent. It is quite close to the freeway though if that bothers you.
I went to Deadwood Saturday for Wild Bill Hickok Days. The drive there from Sturgis is lovely and easy through the hills. Riding the trolley all around town was fun and worth the buck for the tour. The street music was excellent with a nice mix for everyone. The stores were interesting and I even saw hats to buy for the Flinstones’ Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo. I think the store that catered to movie memorabilia was my favorite.
For dinner, I hit up the Four Aces buffet for prime rib. If you like crab, there was plenty of that too.
Gambling is everywhere there. I have never seen so many slot machines and poker machines in all my life. There are around 80 saloons there and all are full of them. What is really cool is a lot of them only require 1 cent or 5 cents to play!
I have to go back another day because there was just too much to see and do there. They have tours out to Mt. Moriah Cemetary to see the graves of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane. There is a tour of the chinese underground. Bullock hotel has a ghost tour. There is the Adam’s Museum and the Adam’s House to see (wealthy former resident and mayor). As you enter town you pass the Days of 76 Museum. Several hotels have museums of famous cars such as Herbie the Love Bug, John Wayne’s truck, Smokey and the Bandit car, 007’s car, etc. I did see the museum at the railroad depot. The town has burned down so many times that a lot of the buildings have been rebuilt several times.
It is odd that Wild Bill is such a big part of this town considering he actually only lived there for about 2 months before he was shot in the back of the head by Jack McCall for killing Jack’s brother. Bill wasn’t the same after accidently shooting his deputy in Abilene, Kansas. He joined Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show for a time but when his eyesight started to fade, he got himself fired by shooting blanks into the orchestra. He ended up in Deadwood while his wife stayed in Cincinnati. He might have been looking for another lawman position or maybe looking for gold. They are not sure. He did spend a lot of time in the saloons.
Calamity Jane came in on the same wagon train as Wild Bill but he actually barely knew her. They say any hint of a love affair was strictly in Calamity’s mind and the movies. They say she tried being a prostitute besides all the other things she did but she failed at that. Hmmm. She definitely did not look like Doris Day.
If you go to Deadwood, bring lots of quarters. Most of their parking is metered.
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