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Holidays On The Gate

I love the gate I am currently at because I have this large fence right in front of my door between my RV and the road through the gate I am guarding. To me, it is like a giant canvas to let out my artistic and playful sides. I decorate it for every holiday and have been told the workers here really appreciate my efforts. While I am at it, I also usually wear an appropriate hat for the holiday and sometimes give out goodies to all who pass through.

For Valentine’s Day this year, I gave out Hershey kisses. It is always fun to ask strangers if they would like a kiss. Since I am not young, blond, or skinny, I make a point of holding up the chocolate when I ask. LOL

Valentines Day decorations

For St. Patrick’s Day, I donned an Irish cap and an Irish brogue while greeting the passers by.

St. Patricks Day

For Easter, I wore a bunny hat and hopped up to vehicles with a basket full of bags filled with Easter eggs, jelly beans, and marshmallow chicks.

Easter decorationsMore Easter decorationsEaster Bunny

I’m already plotting um planning my decorations for Memorial Day and 4th of July.  Tee hee.

I hope you all have jobs as fun (most of the time) as mine is.

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