Dinner Any Time


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Good Day On The Gate

You wouldn’t think a good day would start off bad but hey, that’s Texas! Was told to expect 5 oil tankers yesterday and when not one had come by 5pm, I knew they would be coming in the middle of the night all night as they so love to do. I bagged thoughts of dinner and went to bed instead. At 11pm, still no tankers but I got up, made a hearty dinner of chicken fried steak, and stayed up all night waiting for the tankers that never came. Went back to bed at 5am so of course the tankers and bunches of other trucks finally came at 7am. Can’t win. I still managed to sneak in some more sleep here and there. Once everyone straggled in here and there things quieted down.

Forgot to eat breakfast. Finally realized it at lunch time. Heated up the rest of the chicken fried steak and sat down to eat when the belt broke on the company generator. First time I didn’t get excited or anxious about it because I am now covered. I called my support guy then I backed up my truck to the rear of my trailer, dropped the tailgate, and fired up my own dang generator. Yay! It worked flawlessly. After waiting 5 minutes for the surge suppressor to kick in, the refrigerator switched back over to AC power and the air conditioner came back on. For once, I stayed cool during a generator breakdown. It was lovely. Support guy got here in an hour and fixed up the company generator. Shut down my gennie, flipped up the tailgate, and moved my truck back to its parking space. Piece of cake! Now I can get rid of the huge generator box on my bed. Was keeping it until I was sure of new generator.

Generator WorkingSupport guy fixing company gen

While all this was going on, the wonderful guys from Lehosky Welding came by after trimming the grass on all the drilling pads and whacked all the grass down around my trailer and the gate. They gave me a very nicely manicured lawn (to keep the snakes away). Don’t I feel special! I paid them off in candy. Tee hee! Silly Lehosky guy asked me if I had a lawn mower. LOL. A full-time RVer who moves around with a lawn mower. Silly wabbit.

Whacking at the gateMy manicured lawn

By the way, the price of oil is up and more gates are starting to open. I heard some oil companies are even starting to hire again though many experienced people have moved on to other jobs. I’m seeing advertisements for gate guards. The snowbird winter guards have left and many longtime guards have decided to try other things. If you are interested in this job, check out my guard company, Guard 1 Services. Sorry, no dogs allowed.

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