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Escapees Geocaching at Quartzsite

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Incoming news from RVGeocacher.com has it that the Escapees RV club Geocaching Birds Of [of] a Feather (BOF) group will be at Quartzsite this coming season. You must be an Escapees member to join and can get information on joining the geocaching BOF by contacting Sue Pace at skpgeocachebof at gmail.com before then or you can request a schedule from coolrvers at gmail.com.

The Geocache BOF Rally will be held Jan. 27-31, 2013  west of Quartzsite in the Dome Rock area. There will also be games, a potluck, door prizes, happy hours, plenty of socializing, seminars, travel bug and pathtag sharing, etc. The cost to participate is free though donations to cover expenses are always welcomed.

For lots more information, please see RVGeocacher.com.

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