RVers love parades and local festivals as much as anyone. This weekend, I enjoyed the Christmas parade in Blythe to get in the mood for the season. You wouldn’t think there would be much to it in such a small town but they pull in entries and spectators from lots of other nearby towns. Despite the cold evening air, everyone had a great time. There was lots of candy to be had. I managed to snag the overthrows that went behind the other spectators unnoticed. Mmmm! Tootsie Rolls! Some folks smarter than me brought hot cocoa in thermoses. That would have been nice.
The parade included lots of floats, lighted bicycles, a couple bands, the Jr. ROTC, the local Border Patrol showing off their rugged desert machines, small and huge tractors and other farm equipment, antique cars, the usual politicians and beauty queens, noisy fire engines, and some characters including a dancing Taco Bell taco, toy soldiers, snowmen, reindeer, and a Grinch. Santa made an appearance riding on top of a very loud fire engine at the end. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

For more pics click here.
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