I went back to Broadway at the Beach in hopes of finding a second set of lights for my awning to match the first set I bought there previously at Tiki Jims. No luck. I did however discover The General Store with lots of great tropical, island lifestyle decorations for my trailer. I got a metal sculpture of sailing boats, a life preserver welcome aboard, several plaster and wood tropical birds, and a message in a bottle lamp for the picnic tables. I made use of the rocking chairs on their porch as well. 🙂
I drove back over to The Barefoot Landing which is similar to Broadway at the Beach. Lots of touristy stores built out over the water pond. I found another Tiki Jims there which did have my awning lights. They look like a lei of flowers. While cruising the stores, a lady called me over to a booth for one of those timeshares that was masquerading as a visitors center as they do here in the South. I knew most folks go to one of those timeshare presentations here for the free stuff so I figured what the heck. For the promise of a show ticket and a $25 gift card for dinner at Tbonez, I might as well.
I went to the presentation later in the week. The promised 2 hours of course turned into more like 4 hours. They showed me the Wyndham timeshare properties, shuttling from condos to hotel suites via a large golf cart. They are amazing and very family friendly. I liked the pool with a walkin beach rather than stairs and the floating tube river at the hotel which is right on the beach. Their deal wasn’t half bad either but it wasn’t for me while I am traveling around in my trailer and I know I can pickup a resale when I am ready to retire from the road. They did’t accept the initial no, of course, and sent 3 more guys after me to keep offering better and better deals while shaking their heads at my foolishness for not accepting. If you go with a spouse, be sure to appoint one, the strong one, as spokesperson before you go. 😉 I finally got out with my show ticket and gift card.
I took some time to go to the beach while in Myrtle Beach and checkout the boardwalk. One of the very large stores there offers free parking so look for that or you will be paying big bucks for boardwalk parking. I think it was for the Gay Dolphin store and is located behind Ripley’s across the street. The Gay Dolphin is a treat to explore, whether you buy or not. The beach is wonderful, of course.
For my show ticket, I had chosen Good Vibrations at the Carolina Opry. I would have liked to have seen The One at the Alabama Theater with its Mary Poppins stage show part but they had a different special show going on the only day I could go instead and it of course was sold out. That’s OK. I had wanted to see Good Vibrations, Music of the 60’s and 70’s as well. The show was quite excellent and I even knew all the words. He he, being old(er) ain’t so bad. 😉 Unfortunately, I only got to hear the show. I couldn’t see much between the tall idiot 2 rows up who kept his hat on in a theater (I’m going to slap his momma silly) and the woman in front of me to the left who kept moving all about in her seat even though she could see from there. I finally got up near the end, inconvenienced everyone around me, to get to an open seat where I could see something. I blame part of this bad night on the theater for failing to provide enough angle on their seating so that each row could have seen over the other. So much for free tickets. Go premium every time.
I didn’t have time to use my dinner card while there but knew I was going to Charleston which also had a Tbonez restaurant so I hung on to it in hopes I might end up close enough to use it later.
My first post on Myrtle Beach.