The group camping area is very nice and set away from everyone else which is great to control group noise.
Something new for me here is gray water only sewer connections which use a garden hose to drain your gray water tank into a bucket in the ground and on. I had to buy a special cap for my sewer outlet to go to the garden hose which they were kind enough to lend me. The black water tank on my rig is emptied once a week by them by pumping it out into a tank wagon.
I hiked the short river trail for fun one day. Lot of campfires every night with great campers who were kind enough to invite me to join them.
I met a group of new and seasoned workampers who clued me in on how to become one of them, how to find jobs, what it is like, the pitfalls, etc. I’m considering doing that some day. Many only do it for the season while others do it full time. If it interests you, checkout
My air conditioner in the car died just before I pulled in here. I managed to find a good reasonable shop nearby that is fixing it for me. You don’t want to know the cost. A new compressor and 2 other parts has me saying, “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!” Has to be fixed though to winter in the South.
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