While getting ready for my first long trip in my Roadtrek van, I decided to check the roof of the 5th wheel (my main home) and found the upper front 12 feet in somewhat bad shape. I had repaired the lower portion previously with new wood and a thick plastic like covering the . . . → Read More: Roof Repair
Getting ready for my first big trip in my new to me 1992 Roadtrek camper van. My 5th wheel has retired permanently to my leased lot.
The front shocks on the van were bad and had to be replaced. I used Monroe shocks rather than the Bilsteins the Facebook groups were recommending due . . . → Read More: Van Repairs and Upgrades In keeping with my posts on emergency food and food storage, I have now found another source for fresh milk. I still use powdered milk a lot and it is my main source for milk when traveling since it does not need to be refrigerated while still in powder form.
However, at home . . . → Read More: Milk Replacer The outside corner of my full living room slideout came loose. The gap continued to widen until it became obvious I had water damage. I called several RV repair places but none of them wanted to touch it. I started searching for newer trailers online and at RV dealers but found prices for . . . → Read More: Slideout Repair
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