One more day until time for my cruise so I headed north to Roswell 60 miles away to check out aliens. It’s an interesting little city that loves it’s alien notoriety and outer space themed stores. I went to the alien museum first. The displays are excellent and it certainly has a story to tell. Nothing like a good government cover up and little green men to make your day. I had fun in the photo booth and taking pictures with my alien cousins as a space ship rotated and made lots of noise. I definitely will NOT be reporting any UFOs after seeing what happened to the folks of Roswell who did. It was very cool to see the robot Gort from the movie “The Day The Earth Stood Still” and get a picture with him. Klattu barata nikto y’all!
After the museum and lunch at a nearby restaurant, I got my jollies walking around town geocaching to earn my New Mexico souvenir badge. I managed to snag several geocaches and got to see some very nice historic sculptures.
For more pics click here.
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